Friday, June 7, 2013

Bright Yellow Chevron!

Several weeks ago I was out thrift shopping and ran into an awesome piece of furniture - a storage ottoman! It wasn't pretty, actually, it was gross - but I quickly saw its potential. The original price of the ottoman was $10.99, great price right? Well, being the bargainer that I am and not being for certain if I could get it cleaned enough to even recover it, I asked if they could do any less. The guy said "$5.99" and I didn't even hesitate to say YES! I figured, if I couldn't make the smell go away and get it sanitized and clean enough, then I wouldn't be losing as much money.

So here is the starting piece -- yes, I know -- 
Why are earth even take a second look while walking through the Goodwill?

I had been searching for an ottoman that I could make into a coffee table in my living room. I bought a storage ottoman the day after Thanksgiving last year, but it turned out to be way too small for the job. So when I came across this, I fell in love with its potential. People walking around were looking at me like I was crazy for even considering purchasing it. One lady who kept staring at me ended up being in line behind me as I was checking out and she said "I think you just wasted your money on that purchase, there is no way you will get those stains out". I sure wish I could show her the finished product now. 

So, I came home, gathered my rubber gloves, scrub brush, and cleaning supplies and got to work! I used almost an entire bottle of Mean Green cleaning solution. But, after an hour or so of scrubbing, it was looking pretty nice! :) 

The smell was an issue and I thought I may have to strip the entire thing down and start with just the wood. Luckily the cleaning solution, some fabric softener to freshen it up and leaving it outside for 3 days to let it air out (within that time, a rainy day helped to give it a good rinse) did the trick. I was still a little scared that as soon as I put it in my house that the smell would still be lingering, but to my surprise it was completely gone. I was so happy that I would only need to recover it instead of completely starting from scratch!!

Well, it took me quite awhile to find the time to do it and find the perfect fabric. I had searched a few fabric stores in the area and shopped around at but couldn't find the right one. My friend Mitch told me to check out Hancock Fabrics, I don't know why I forgot about them! I wonder around for only a few minutes and I see it, the most beautiful fabric --- BRIGHT YELLOW CHEVRON!! I immediately know that I want this fabric, but I needed to find a color for the bottom. I decided to go with gray. 

I've always loved gray and yellow together 
so I thought this would look great as an accent piece for my living room!
I was so excited to get home and begin my project!

First, I detached the lid for the chevron fabric and laid it across my dining table.

The hardest part turned out to be the corners of the lid. 

 I wasn't sure how to fold them at first, but I figured it out

Once the lid was complete, it was time to work on the bottom. The bottom was also very simple and turned out well! 

No, those are not holes that I just randomly cut. Those are the hinges for the lid :)

Now, the finished product!!! I am so happy with how it turned out! 
I'm debating on painting the legs white but for now, I love it :) 

This project only cost me $26 +tax! I am very pleased with my first re-upholstering job! :)
It has inspired me to want to recover many other things in my house!! 

I love how the ottoman, the catch-all basket, and my new couch look together :)
Eventually, I will recover the 4 pillows that came with the couch in some funky colors & patterns.

Next, I am going to work on recovering my dining chair cushions, which I foresee as being a little bit more difficult because it will involve needle and thread! But, I am up for the challenge!

I now give many things a second look while out thrifting, you never know what you may find!

Happy Thrifting! 


  1. This turned out amazing!!! I love it!

  2. Love it!!! You're way more motivated than me. I have been wanting to recover my chairs for 3 years lol.

  3. Love it !! I love chevron . The pillow could be cute and coordinating in the yellow chevron and gray you used on the ottoman ! Maybe even white to tie them together ?! Just a idea . Did you stable gun or glue ? I'm afraid of staple guns. We all know I'd be the girl who shoots her foot or something .
